1. 修饰语(Modifiers)
例如:“I need a leave on Thursday because I am marrying my daughter.”此句中,问题点在于“I am marrying my daughter”这个短语,意味着该说话者将要与他的女儿结婚,这样实在很不恰当。他真正的意思是,他需要出席女儿的婚礼,所以他需要请假。此句的正确版本应该是“Because my daughter is getting married on Thursday, I need a leave.”
错置修饰语(Misplaced Modifiers)
“Simone put the bracelet on her arm that she bought yesterday.”
此句中,意思成了 Simone 昨天买了一只手臂,但其实她买的是一只臂镯。正确的句子应该是:“Simone put the bracelet that she bought yesterday on her arm.”。记得,要解决错置修饰语的问题,就要将修饰语移至要修饰的词旁。
垂悬修饰语(Dangling Modifiers)
例如:“The waiter finally served us after sitting at the table for nearly an hour.”
此句中的问题在于读者不明白到底是谁坐在桌子旁。句子的正确版本应该是:“The waiter finally served us after we were sitting at the table for nearly an hour.”要解决垂悬修饰语的问题,加上修饰语所修饰的特定词就可以了。
歧义修饰语(Squinting Modifiers)
歧义修饰语,依字面上来看,意思是修饰语会让读者无法判断真正修饰的部分,这类错误会使修饰语即可修饰前面的词,也可修饰后面的词。例如:“The store that had the big sale recently went bankrupt.”此句的意思有两种可能:
1. 最近办过大特卖的那家店铺倒闭了。(The store that recently had a big sale went bankrupt.)
2. 办过大特卖的那家店铺最近倒闭了。(The store that had a big sale went bankrupt recently.)
2. 错词(Wrong Word)
有时因为词跟词之间的发音太过相似,写作中常会用错,如 their、there、they’re 的发音相同,但各自的语意都不相同。缩写也可能造成问题,should’ve 听起来和 should of 很像,但这其实是 should have 的缩写。
错误:You’re semester is difficult because your taking too many classes.
You’re 意指 you are,而后面的 your 是所有格,这两个词在此句中的用法都错了。
正确:Your semester is difficult because you’re taking too many classes.
这个句子中的You’re 及 your 在句中的用法才正确。
缺少平行结构(Lack of Parallel Structure)
错误:Biology is my major because the subject is challenging, interesting, and excites me.
► “Excites me”与表列中的其他项目的语法结构不同,读起来相当别扭。
正确:Biology is my major because the subject is challenging, interesting, and exciting.
► 表列中的三个项目在结构上对等且平行。
错误:Biology is my major because the subject is challenging, interesting, and I plan on being a veterinarian.
► “I plan on being a veterinarian”与表列中的其他项目的语法结构不同,读起来相当别扭。
正确:I plan on being a veterinarian, so biology is my major. I also chose biology because I find it challenging and interesting.
► “I plan on being a veterinarian”似乎比表列中的另两项还要来得重要,因此可以将这段讨论拆成两句。
3. 错误的平行结构(Faulty Parallelism)
错误:The candidate’s goals include winning the election, a health program, and education.
正确:The candidate’s goals include winning the election, enacting a national health program, and improving the educational system.
4. 句子不完整(Fragments)
错误:The University will have to raise tuition next year. Because the state government will not raise taxes to support education.
► “Because the state government will not raise taxes to support education”有主语和动词,但是“because”让句子形成了附属从句,无法自己表达完整的意思,需要与主要从句连接才能形成完整句。
正确:The University will have to raise tuition next year because the state government will not raise taxes to support education.
► 该附属从句成为主要从句的一部分了。
错误:The inevitable laying off of faculty and staff.
正确:The laying off of faculty and staff is inevitable.
► 此句不再是不完整句,因为有了主语“the laying off of faculty and staff”和动词“is inevitable”。
5. 模糊代词指涉(Vague Pronoun Reference)
错误:If your students don’t do well on their quizzes, they must not be very good.
► “They”是个模糊的代词,不确定在句中指涉的是students 或是 quizzes。
正确:Your quizzes must not be very good if your students don’t do well on them.
► 本句中,they 明确指涉 quizzes,而非 students。缺乏代词一致性(Lack of Pronoun Agreement)使用代词要准确、一致。代词必须与数字、性别、主语类型一致。
错误:Each member of the rowing team had to set their alarm for three in the morning.
► “Each member”是单数,代词也必须是单数。
正确:Each member of the rowing team had to set her alarm for three in the morning.
► 名词和代词皆为单数。
6. 不清楚的代词指涉(Unclear Pronoun Reference)
代词必须要清楚地指涉限定的指涉对象名词,使用 it、they、that、these、those、which 时要小心,以免造成混淆。
错误:Einstein was a brilliant mathematician. This is how he wasable to explain the workings of the universe.
正确:Einstein, who was a brilliant mathematician, used his quantitative ability to explain the workings of universe.
错误:Because Senator Martin is less interested in the environment than in economic development, she sometimes neglects it.
正确:Because of her interest in economic development, Senator Martin sometimes neglects the environment.
7. 不必要的时态转换(Unnecessary Tense Shift)
错误:Someone pulled the fire alarm yesterday, so we get out of class without taking the quiz.
► 此句中,没有明确的理由就从过去时“pulled”转换成现在时“get”。
正确:Someone pulled the fire alarm yesterday, so we got out of class without taking the quiz.
► 因为没有明确的理由转换时间,所以两个动词都是过去时。
8. 一致性错误(Agreement Errors)
代词包括 he、she、they、his、hers 等字,可以指涉前面的名词,或代替名词。代词应该与所代表的名词保持一致,复数名词应该使用 they 作为代词,所有格代词为 their。
• The Beatles wanted their music to convey a message, so they created music and lyrics that others would remember.
• (阳性)Jerry wanted to spend his weekend camping, but he knew he’d have to talk Linda into it.
• (阴性)Linda had wanted to spend her weekend at the spa, but she knew Jerry wanted to go camping.
• (中性)The raccoon got into the ice chest and cut its paw on a sharp knife.
上述的简单规则会在导入集合名词和集合代词后变得更加复杂,集合代词包括 everyone、all、everybody、committee、staff。当一个词指涉的是集体中的每个个体时,如 everybody、everyone、each,则使用单数动词和单数代词。
• Everyone in this store is buying chips.
• Everybody needs to bring his or her book to the meeting.
当一个字将个体视为一个团体时,如 committee、staff、faculty等,使用单数动词和代词。
• The committee is making a decision.
当一个字指涉的是为许多个体组成的团体时,如 all、some等,使用复数动词和代词。
• Some people are going to the movies.
• All people listen to their own type of music.
在非正式写作和演说中,有时候也会用在性别中性的情况下,they 可以作为单数的中性代词,如 everyone 一样。
• Everyone has their own opinion.
许多人认为这样的用法是错的,并且偏好使用 his、her 或his/her。要处理这个状况,可以将名词或代词转为复数。
• We all have our own opinions.
错误:The method we use is interview and survey. We found that most people voted for the candidate whose name is familiar, regardless of the candidate’s political leanings.
正确1:The method we use is interview and survey. Our findings indicate that people vote for the candidate whose name is familiar, regardless of the candidate’s political leanings.
正确2:The method we used was interview and survey. We found that most people voted for the candidate whose name was familiar, regardless of the candidate’s political leanings.
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