经过观察,我们发现,抽取的样本按照其表达的功能,基本可以分为四类,即“声称中心地位”、“评述以往研究”、“概括研究话题”和“提出存在的问题”(Swales 1990)。
[1] Structural damage detection and health monitoring is very important in many applications.
[2] Combustion noise can make a significant contribution to overall turbofan engine noise at low-power settings, , which are typical of approach flight.
[3] Research on flow control has been one of the major topics in fluid mechanics in the past couple of decades.
[4] Surface flow visualization is useful for understanding flow in many applications and can be used to complement and validate computational studies of complex flow.
可用的序列有,xxx be important, xxx play an important/a significant role in, xxx be of particular interest等.
[5] Over the last number of decades, a multitude of research efforts have been directed toward understanding the physical mechanisms, or at least the surrounding factors, behind the appearance of symptoms typically associated with nonlinear axial combustion instability in solid-propellant rocket motors (SRMs).
[6] The effects of applying an electric field on a flame have been studied since the early 1800s(1) when Brande noticed an effect on the heat and mass transfer of a diffusion flame between electrodes, which was then later verified in 1931 by Lewis (2).
此外,这一分类里的大部分例子都使用现在完成时。供参考的短语序列有,xxx has/have been studied, previous/recent studies show/have shown, it has been shown等。
[7] Many flows of technological interest occur at high Reynolds number and are often characterized.
[8] The Hill–Clohessy–Wiltshire (HCW) equations describe the relative motion of a chaser with respect to a target while both vehicles orbit a central gravitational source.
[9] Airborne propagation of directed energy suffers consequences including reduced range, precision, and overall effectiveness, due to the interaction with varying refractive indices within the fluid medium through which it is propagated (1–3).
Swales, J. (1990). Genre Analysis: English in Academic and Research Settings. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.
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